The average lifespan of the species 8-10 years in the wild and 12 years in captivity.

Females used to take care of the young species because they can easily attacked by jaguars.

The aimal species are excellent swimmers and divers. The most dominant capybara is the leader and he is responsible for the safety of other members. Capybara lives in large groups usually contain 10 to 30 members, howvever, during dry season it can be more than 30 members. This tailless, webbed feet, the brown-haired animal is immensely social and trainable thus a dear friend to everyone. They gaze on grass (adults eat nearly 8 pounds of grass each day) and need water all the time to supplement their dry skin. Capybaras grow as tall as 2 feet and weigh up to 65kgs. They are native to Central and South America, mostly found in swampy areas and close to water bodies. Belonging to the Hydrochaeridae family, Capybara is an exceptional rodent and also the largest in the world. Capybara is the friendliest animal in the world. CAPYBARAĭon’t be fooled by the enormous size of this mammal. Here are top 10 among the friendliest animals. While some of them tend to be cold-eyed killers of the wild, others are kind and cheerful. Of course, all the animals don’t fall into the same classified group. But the reality differs to a much greater extent. Animals are often portrayed as such an image that creates a border between them and other living beings.